Managing Behavior vs. Leading People – Evidence-Based Lessons to Cultivate and Enrich a World Class Safety Culture

This webinar will reveal critical distinctions between safety management and safety leadership by sharing practical leadership lessons that can bring the best out of a talented and committed workforce for OHS, and beyond.

Safety managers are responsible for influencing safety and productivity. They do this by holding people accountable for behaviors and outcomes. However, any employee can become a safety leader, earning that position by inspiring others to be self-accountable for occupational health and safety (OHS) and to go beyond the call of duty for the benefit human welfare and life satisfaction. These employees enjoy their work and they try to do their very best for the OHS of the organization that employs them. They work in an empowering and enriching culture that brings out the best qualities of themselves and others.

How can such a work culture be cultivated? The answer: self-motivated OHS leadership from everyone in a work culture. This webinar will reveal critical distinctions between safety management and safety leadership by sharing practical leadership lessons that can bring the best out of a talented and committed workforce for OHS, and beyond.

Learning Objectives:

After completing this course, participants should be able to:

  • Describe the difference between safety management and true safety leadership
  • Explain how to engage employees and turn them into safety leaders
  • Identify the tools you can use to build an effective safety management system and culture


E. Scott Geller, Alumni Distinguished Professor, Department of Psychology, Virginia Tech

E. Scott Geller, Ph.D., Alumni Distinguished Professor, has started his 52nd year as a faculty member in the Department of Psychology at Virginia Tech, and Director of the Center for Applied Behavior Systems. He has authored numerous books, chapters, training manuals, and over 300 research articles addressing the development and evaluation of behavior-focused interventions to improve human welfare. He is a co-founder and Senior Partner of Safety Performance Solutions, Inc. Scott and his daughter, Krista S. Geller, Ph.D., co-founded the teaching and consulting firm—GellerAC4P, Inc.—to spread actively caring for people (AC4P) principles and applications worldwide.

Scott Gaddis, VP and Global Practice Leader EHS, Intelex

Scott Gaddis is VP and Global Practice Leader for EHS at Intelex, providing thought leadership and building partnerships with top influencers in EHS, working with professionals across the globe to deliver a platform for sharing information and collectively driving solutions that mitigate workplace loss. Scott has more than 25 years in EHS leadership experience in heavy manufacturing, pharmaceuticals and packaging. Before joining Intelex, Scott served as vice president, EHS for Coveris High Performance Packaging, executive director of EHS at Bristol-Myers Squibb and global leader for Occupational Safety and Health at Kimberly-Clark Corp.



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Course Includes

  • 1 Lesson
  • 1 Quiz
  • Course Certificate
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